
19 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses


Nice idea, but the controls are somewhat unresponsive which is quite frustrating. Gets tedious quickly. Try finding ways to optimize your actionscript so the game works more smoothly, and you would get a better score. Also, colors of shapes are confusing, as they seem to have nothing to do with the shape, like they do in actual tetris. Try making each shape always one color.


I played this game twice, was VERY easy with a wacom tablet, quite a bit more difficult with a mouse, but still not too bad. Killing enemies on hard as soon as they appear seems key, but you can pretty much ignore them on easy. Fun and original though.

Solid game, weak subject

First let me state that this is a solid game. Well thought out, nice crisp style, and the control was very good. I liked the level design, and you did a good job of personifying the characters. You used several repeating motifs and themes throughout the game which gave it a good sense of unity. The music was pretty good, and the levels were laid out well. My only complaint as far as gameplay goes is that the game is just too easy. I suspect that this was a deliberate effort to make the challenge take a back seat to the subject, but I could be wrong there.

However, this whole KFC cruelty thing is kind of a joke. KFC does not own any meatpacking plants. They buy chicken from a variety of wholesalers, most of which are the ones who are actually doing the things that PETA accuses KFC of. The scandal in question surrounds one particular supplier called Pilgrim's Pride. PETA has this knack for targeting big names because it is generally easier to make a big fuss about someone who everybody is familiar with than the ones who are somewhat associated with them who are actually causing the problem. Corruption within the meatpacking industry is not a new concept. In 1908 Upton Sinclair wrote "The Jungle", about the disgusting practices of the meatpacking industry at that date. Little has changed much. Some things they do are gross and unnecessary. Some things are gross and ARE necessary. Like cutting the beaks off. Chickens are stupid and will peck each other to death if you don't cut their beaks off. Frankly it is far more humane to sear their beaks off with a hot wire than to let them slowly mutilate each other over the course of several weeks, and get infected with all sorts of nastiness from walking around in their own feces. This cannot be helped, cause chickens are pretty dumb and gross. Frankly I think PETA is the most obnoxious, hypocritical joke of an organization ever. How can you crusade for animal rights when you euthanize thousands of animals daily? Doesn't make much sense to me. The entire meatpacking industry is pretty corrupt and ethically bankrupt, but they aren't going away any time soon. I would not go throw a brick at a smoker because I don't like what tobacco companies are doing, and likewise it is also unethical to target a customer (KFC) when you have a problem with a service provider (Pilgrim's Pride). Maybe if there was an effort to teach people to buy local produce, where there are no disgusting factory conditions, then this movement would have a little more validity, but frankly, you don't solve a problem by lying about it.

And as far as chickens go, they are tasty. I personally refuse to feel sorry for my food. The majority of the people in the world eat meat when it is readily available, and will not be convinced to do otherwise. We are omnivorous creatures by nature, and have been designed through millions of years of evolution to include animal protein in our diets. Anyone who tells us that this is wrong has the entirety of living history to overcome as evidence against them, and frankly a bunch of pissed off vegans are just not important enough in the cosmic scheme of things to hold up to that. I don't know if you sympathize with PETA or not, but by making a game for them, you have thrown your own reputation on the line. This is what happens when you work for any client; their agenda becomes your own, and you have to deal with all the same criticism as the client. I will at least be mature enough to state that my problem is with PETA, not you. It would be nice if they could do the same.

-Kaiser D.


When I went to start the game, all variables were reset. Name and difficulty were listed as undefined, and money was 0. I could not play because it would not let me buy a gun, or proceed without one. I am not voting because you obviously put a lot of work into this, but you need to iron out the kinks. It seems that other people did not have a problem playing it for some reason.

HeroInteractive responds:

Well... you did vote... you gave the game a 0 out of 10. Thanks for that...

In any case, usually this is a result of flash not being able to access your flash stored abject, google it and you can find some info. When flash asks "can you give some space to this game," if you don't, it won't work. I'll be trying to fix it in this situation in the future.


by level 14 it was practically unplayable due to lag, even on low quality. Also the troops seem to get a mind of their own when there is too many of them, and often don't do what you tell them to at all.

Thank you

for doing something interesting with sticks. I had my mouse hovering over the blam switch, but I'm glad I didn't hit it cause that was pretty sweet. Good job!

(Imma be pissed if this does get blammed. The start page could use some work, and a lot of people won't even bother to look at the whole thing based on that)

Good Job

I can tell you came from an era where video games didn't hold your hand. I remember playing atari and NES games where you'd be playing them for 6-12 hours and run out of continues and have to start all over again, or leaving my nintendo on for days at a time so I could finish a game with no save feature. I don't feel bad for anyone who doesn't have the patience to figure your game out, especially if they have to get all whiney about it being too hard. "Waaaaah!! I can't beat it!! this game is crap!!" Gimme a break. It's not the end of the world if you don't beat every video game in existence. I haven't quite beaten it yet, got as far as opening the gate to the tunnel with the big dragonfish roost, but it kept blowing me back to the last screen. I'll have another go at it when I have enough time. It was fun though. Maybe work out the randomizer a bit, but the rest of it wasn't even really that hard, it just required thorough exploration, and brain power to figure out.

Kuramu responds:

I do indeed come from the 2600/NES era of gaming, and frankly I miss it. Games nowadays pamper us, which leads to laziness, and in the end, we are robbed of the thrill of an actual challenge. If this says anything, When I played the original Metroid I must have dies well over 200 times. I remember going through that first hall in Norfair 30 times at least. To compare, I have died 5 times and been corrupted 3 times in Metroid Prime 3. I love the game, but the thrill is gone

Good effort but...

... you made the game too big for the stage, so a lot of it is off screen. You should resize it to fit the stage (or resize the stage to fit your flash) then resubmit it. It was still amusing, despite this problem, but no thanks on the marketing ploy.

Oh hell yes!

This game lacked sound effects, music, and any real depth, but frankly, it doesn't need much more than it has. The concept carries the lacking parts more than sufficiently.
Now for the issue. To everyone who reviewed this cause you were pissed about the subject: SUCK IT, AND GROW UP
Boo hoo some kid cut themselves. The universe is not going to grind to a halt just because of you. You are not that important. Kids have always cut themselves, and they have always been pretty lame for it. Most of you who do don't even know what real pain is. When was the last time you ate out of a dumpster? Or caught a lethal virus? Or got permanently disfigured in a car accident? The problem with most of these kids is that they don't even have any real problems, so they blow everything out of proportion. Frankly, I think our gene pool could use a bit of trimming, so if you want to die that bad, and your too stupid or headstrong to work through your problems like everyone else, or go get therapy if you can't, then go ahead and take the chickensh** way out. We will not cry for you. We will not be sorry when you are gone. Whiney depressive attention whoring is not cool, and it never has been. I wonder how many people were lame enough to create accounts just to flame this game? I bet it was more than a few. To everyone else who flamed the game: Some issues need to be addressed in the open before anything is done about them. It's not pretty, but deal with it. Life is not peaches and cream all the time.

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Age 44, Male

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